Bagley Design is a boutique studio offering a range of modeling, rendering, and design services with a focus on customer service. We do not outsource our services or deliver anything other than the highest quality output.
It all started with One question.
Can I help?
A developer, delayed by decision fatigue, saw the business potential of real-time modeling to save delay-related costs. In a single meeting, we made a dozen decisions that led to an ongoing collaboration on multiple projects. One project turned into a business. Soon, word spread to architects, designers, real estate professionals, contractors, and homeowners.
That one question is the backbone of our business model.
We help.
Architects: We help architecture studios that need a flexible and robust visualization solution.
Zoning Boards: We help accurately communicate designs to public stakeholders to ease concerns.
Developers: We help developers share a unified vision to investors and future tenants.
Neighborhoods: We help designs integrate into the fabric of the neighborhood.